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shabbat in your home

‘Shabbat in your home’ is a weekly virtual Shabbat celebration hosted by the entire Wilbur family. Whether you are new friends or family that have joined us for years, we invite you to join us as we welcome the Sabbath at our table for a time of family, food, fellowship and worship. Shabbat Shalom!

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About Us

Welcome to our family; we are the Wilburs, Paul and Luanne, Nathan and Malki, and Joel and Shae along with all five grandsons, and we are excited to share our table with you. We believe that Shabbat is a gift from God to us, and His intention is to strengthen and secure our families. We are three generations of Believers in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ), and it is our joy to proclaim every week, ‘Shabbat shalom…from our home to yours.’
We view this as the flagship of our future to carry the music, message, and mission God has called the Wilbur family to, all under one banner. As you have seen, the entire Wilbur household, all three generations, participate and enjoy working together on this special project. It is always with great anticipation that when we say, ”from our home to yours,” you truly feel a part of our household, wherever you can join us.

shabbat guide

The Sabbath is a divine invitation to unplug from the hurry and the hassle, and to enjoy a time of refreshing and restoration in the presence of the Lord. Here is a simple handbook of suggestions for welcoming in the One who is the Lord of the Sabbath.



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Monthly Partner

As a monthly partner you would be sending a monthly gift to support the ongoing ministry of SIYH to the nations.

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Shabbat in Your Home Offering

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